For the Love of the Arts
The art of drawing begins at a very young age, even before we can hold a crayon in our hand. As toddlers, we make masterpieces with our hands, smearing food, mud, baby powder, makeup, and heaven forbid, poop all around the house. We present these works to our loved ones, so proud of what we’ve accomplished, not realizing that our parents or siblings are cringing with grief and disgust. We expand our passion using crayons, clay, and paints, mixing any combination we believe is as unique as we are.
Our artistry is found all around the house, with the refrigerator the landing place for our most exceptional work. You’ll find our work on sidewalks, sides of buildings, our bodies, bridges and overpasses, and a few other places where we express ourselves and our creativity. For those of us who have a weak free hand but a strong need to express the inspiration welling up inside us, we are blessed with various avenues that enable us to transfer those ideas and feelings we dream about onto paper, canvases, and other mediums.
Having a love for the arts is not just about creating it but appreciating it. For example, Norman Rockwell would not have been as notable as he was, had it not been for the people who were his subjects and those who took an interest in his work.
When it comes to art appreciation, there is a place for everyone. A positive experience will be had regardless of where you land. We who create do so for the love of it, not the accolades. If we are creating any artistic work for you, i.e, writing, dancing, or performing... and you love how we express ourselves, that love makes us flourish, bringing about a mutual admiration and respect for a beautiful genre that encompasses and transcends all cultures,
Empowering Growth
starts here!
We've heard all of our lives that reading is fundamental. If you look up the meaning of fundamental, it is defined as forming a necessary base or core; of central importance. Reading is the most important accomplishment we can achieve in life. It is a skill taken for granted; as we go through our daily lives, not paying attention to the fact that we spend a great deal of our day reading. We read newspapers, emails, instructions on various items, traffic signs, reports...the list is innumerable. However, with that being said, according to the Institute of Statistics, there are still 773 million illiterate adults in the world. For those 773 million illiterate adults, life is a challenge. These illiterate adults are not part of a specific socioeconomic status or a particular race, creed, or color. They are adults that for some reason or another did not attain those skills in life. If you are able to read this article, consider yourself blessed. We should also consider shedding a light on a subject that takes a back seat to other issues that may seem more important in the world. Illiteracy is a complex issue. But there is help available. If you know someone who is unable to read, or you would like more information for yourself, contact the local literacy program in your state, or click the link below for more information